Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

The purpose of the Inter-Professional Education Committee is to expose health professional learners to a complex patient situation, where collective care is needed to optimize patient outcomes through collaboration and the sharing of skills and knowledge.
Chairperson is appointed on a rotation basis and each college is represented in turns.
One Representatives from each College
One Student Representative nominated from each program
Term of office
Two years (Renewable once)
Frequency of Meetings
As frequent as needed to establish, implement, and evaluate the Programs.
Vice Chancellor Academic
Decision-Making & Voting Right
The committee adopts a collaborative decision-making approach. Every member has voting rights including students. A simple majority, defined as more than 50%, is necessary for the approval of any given decision.
Inculcate effective inter-professional education to cater to different patient needs.
Improve team communication, coordination, and cooperation among learners from all programs.
Foster respect and mutual trust for the disciplinary contributions of all professionals.
Optimize participation within and across disciplines in clinical decision making to provide safe, high-quality, patient-centered care as healthcare professionals.