Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

The University Council is a standing committee. It is responsible for all academic, research, and management of the GMU in order to ensure that the University achieves its mission to the heights expected.
Vice Chancellor Academics - Member Secretary
Vice Chancellor Quality and Institutional Effectiveness
Vice Chancellor Research
Chief Operating Officer
Deans of Colleges
Heads of Institutes
General Secretary, Student Council
Term of office
Three years (Renewable)
Frequency of Meetings
The University Council shall meet at least once in every month
Board of Trustees
Decision-Making & Voting Right
The committee adopts a collaborative decision-making approach. Every member has voting rights including students. A simple majority, defined as more than 50%, is necessary for the approval of any given decision.
To advise and recommend the formulation and review of the University's Strategic Plan.
To approve and oversee the implementation of the University Learning and Teaching and Research Plans.
To foster discourse on issues related to higher education and the University's Identity and Mission in the sector.
To promote excellence in teaching and learning and research in the University.
To oversee all matters of quality in teaching, learning, and research within the University.
To oversee quality assurance and quality implementation in relation to the academic functions of the University.
To formulate, further and coordinate academic policy, programs, and regulations throughout the University, including communication with the academic community.
To recommend new programs for approval of Board of Trustees.
To consider and approve, and, where necessary initiate, reviews, and audits of existing programs.
To develop and monitor the implementation and effectiveness of academic policies and undertake periodic review thereof.
To approve university documents, including handbooks, manuals, and other essential documentation, ensuring alignment with institutional policies and standards.
To refer matters to Colleges for consideration and report.
To consider and take action on reports from Colleges.
To advise on actions to be taken to address the relevant recommendations of internal and external reviews of the University's organizational units.
To undertake regular reviews of the Terms of Reference of its Standing Committees and to approve these Terms of Reference; and
To exercise other functions delegated by the Board of Trustees.